Book group questions – Tell Me How This Ends
I’ve put together some starting-point questions for groups that have read Tell Me How This Ends.
Since my book was selected as a Radio 2 Book Club pick, I’ve been invited to chat to lots of local groups and readers have come up with some fantastic questions. So, the truth is, I can’t take the credit for all of these!
I hope these questions help start some lively, interesting discussions for you.
How accurately do you think the book represents attitudes to women and people of Irish descent in London the 1970s?
What role does humour play in the book?
Henrietta knows she is different from other people, especially when she puts on her ‘mask of indifference’. What do you think lies behind her quirky ways – nature or nurture?
If Annie had never heard about the Life Stories Project from Mia, how might her final months have played out?
What do you think Henrietta learned from Annie?
And, in turn, what did Annie gain from her friendship with Henrietta?
Did you identify with one character more strongly than the other(s)?
Annie might not have had an entirely good life, but do you think she had
a ‘good death’?How do you imagine Henrietta’s life continuing after we leave her on the platform of St Austell station in Cornwall?
Did the theme of grief strike a personal chord with you?
If you were writing your own Life Story, what are three key events that you would include? Is there anything you would be tempted to leave out?